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- 6 novembre 2023
- Scholarship
- camane2022
In its objective of promoting research on the nervous system and supporting young researchers in the pursuit of their doctoral/Ph.D research work, the Cameroon Association for Neuroscience (CAMANE) is launching “The Elisabeth Ngo Bum scholarship” for the year 2023. This scholarship aims to assist young neuroscientist researchers doctorate/Ph.D students at most in the second year of their cycle, so that they can carry out part of their research work in doctorate /Ph.D allowing them to advance or complete their research work in a research laboratory in Cameroon or abroad.
The Elisabeth Ngo Bum scholarship worth 150,000 FCFA (250 USD) (one hundred and fifty thousand FCFA) will be given to the host laboratory according to an 80/20 ratio (80% at the start of the work and 20% after obtaining the final report of the student's work). The selected candidates will have to present the results of their work at the 4th CAMANE conference.
Deadline for application, December 1, 2023
Proclamation of the results January 2024
Application should be sent to nadegekouemou@yahoo.fr and gtngoupaye@gmail.com
Application detail
In its objective of promoting research on the nervous system and supporting young researchers in the pursuit of their doctoral/Ph.D research work, the Cameroon Association for Neuroscience (CAMANE) is launching the Elisabeth Ngo Bum scholarship for the year 2023.
The Elisabeth Ngo Bum scholarship was established in tribute to Professor Elisabeth Ngo Bum, for her pioneering role in fundamental science research in general and research on the nervous system in Cameroon in particular. With the aim of promoting academic excellence, teaching and the vulgarisation of research in the field of neuroscience in Cameroon, Professor Elisabeth Ngo Bum was the initiator of the CAMANE project. This project finally took shape in 2015 and is today recognized in the national triangle and beyond national and continental borders.
Objective of the scholarship: This scholarship aims to assist young neuroscientist researchers, doctorate/Ph.D students at most in the second year of their cycle, so that they can carry out part of their research work in doctorate /Ph.D allowing them to advance or complete their research work in a research laboratory in Cameroon or abroad.
The Elisabeth Ngo Bum scholarship worth 150,000 FCFA (250 USD) (one hundred and fifty thousand FCFA) will be given to the host laboratory according to an 80/20 ratio (80% at the start of the work and 20% after obtaining the final report of the student's work)
I- Eligibility
Any Cameroonian or foreign student who is a member of CAMANE and is at most in the second year of the Doctoral/Ph.D research cycle can apply for the Elisabeth Ngo Bum scholarship.
II- Requested documents
- Information sheet* ;
- Candidate's cover letter;
- Receipts of CAMANE fees for the last 2 years;
- Certificate of participation in at least one conference;
- Thesis selection list;
- Receipt of payment of University fees or school certificate;
- Letters of recommendation from the supervisor and another teacher;
- Acceptance letter from the host lab;
- Research project* ;
- Curriculum Vitae.
- The information sheet must contain a summary of the identity of the candidate (first name, date, place and nationality), Education (university background), summary of the institution of origin/host (institution name, postal address, laboratory /Research Team).
- The project must have a maximum of 4 pages containing a title, intro, materials and methods, timeline, expected results, detailed budget and references;
- Abstract of a maximum of 250 words (On the work to be done and the final objective for the work to be done)
- The host laboratory is responsible for the tests to be carried out and the project must be feasible within the allocated amount; likewise, the responsible researcher in the host laboratory must be a member of CAMANE.
- The host laboratory within its skills must be able to specifically carry out the work proposed for the grant;
- The host laboratory must highlight the skills for carrying out the work of the candidate who requested the said laboratory, as well as his collaborations to justify the feasibility of the project objectives not achievable in his laboratory.
- The scholarship will be awarded in a ratio of 80% and 20%. 20% at the end of the work.
The 20% could be given to the candidate or the host lab depending on the elements presented.
- The scholarship can be done in a period ranging from 1 to 3 months
- Travel and stay in the host city are at the candidate's expense; in other words the scholarship does not take into account the accommodation and transport of the candidate.
Deadline for application, December 1, 2023
Proclamation of the results January 2024
Application should be sent to nadegekouemou@yahoo.fr and gtngoupaye@gmail.com
The selected candidates will have to present the results of their work at the 4th CAMANE conference.
For more information please contact :
Dr Nadege KOUEMOU (University of Buea) nadegekouemou@yahoo.fr
Pr Gwladys TEMKOU NGOUPAYE (University of Dschang) gtngoupaye@gmail.com
List of active CAMANE Member eligible to be contacted as Host laboratory
Pr Elisabeth Ngo Bum (University of Maroua)
Pr Télesphore Benoit NGUELEFACK (University of Dschang)
Pr Harquin FOYET (University of Maroua)
Pr Paul Faustin ETET SEKE (University of Garoua)
Pr Gwladys TEMKOU NGOUPAYE (University of Dschang)
Pr Fleur Clarisse OKOMOLO MOTO (University of Yaounde I)
Dr Nadège KOUEMOU (University of Buea)
Dr Stephanie Jacqueline KAMENI NJAPNDOUNKE (University of Ngaoundere)
Dr Jean BEPPE (University of Maroua)